South-East Asia Public Health Education Institution Network (SEAPHEIN) was created by the WHO South-East Asia Regional Office to establish a knowledge-sharing base among the. member countries of the region centered around public health education and training.
The Network (SEAPHEIN) was established at the Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand in 2004, with thirty-five founding members. Over the years, it has gained several achievements, including many Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) among member institutions and evidence-based collaborative research. The Network promotes the use of core competencies as guidelines, educational standards, and institutional accreditation among its members. At present, the SEAPHEIN secretariat is based at IIHMR University, Jaipur India.
The objective of SEAPHEIN is to promote public health education and training in the academic institutions and universities in the member countries; Role of public health education institutions/universities in advancing public health education; to improve and sustain the quality and relevance of public health education to address the increasing challenges of health and development.
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