3rd SEAPHEIN Annual Meeting

International Workshop on Moving SEAPHEIN to Influence Public Health Policy and Action September 25-28, 2007, Jaipur, India

The 3rd SEAPHEIN Annual Meeting and International Workshop on ‘Moving SEAPHEIN to Influence Public Health Policy and Action’ was organized at the Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur, India during September 25 – 28, 2007, with support of the WHO SEARO, New Delhi, and WHO India Country Office. The main purpose of the 3rd Annual SEAPHEIN meeting was to provide continuum to the efforts, to promote and strengthen, and improve quality of public health education and training through developing a collaborative network of public health education institutions in South-East Asia Region, as a part of Public Health Initiative launched by the WHO SEARO under leadership of the Regional Director, Dr. Samlee Plianbangchang. The theme of the meeting was focused on SEAPHEIN’s role in influencing Public Health Policy and Action in the member countries.

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